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Importance of nutrition
Why every body needs good nutrition?
A daily intake of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is essential for good health and energy.
In an ideal world, we would obtain a correct balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
from the food we eat. But with today's hectic lifestyles and poor eating habits, this is often
impractical, resulting in a lower level of nutrition than desirable.
Weight problems and nutritional deficiencies are widespread in our society, mainly due to
bad eating habits such as overeating, skipping meals and "yo-yo"dieting. Stress,
medications, smoking, alcohol and poor eating habits all lead to decreased nutrient
Many people who try to loose weight quickly abuse their bodies with radical and unsafe
slimming methods. Minimal or reduced-calorie diets rarely provide the full nutrition that our
bodies require and can lead to long-term health disorders.
Harsh dieting also robs us all enjoyment from eating. After long periods of dieting and
self-denial many people fail to maintain their desired weight and put back every kilogram
they lost and more! If your diet is less then perfect you need supplementation.